Did you know we have exclusive rights to the funds raised during events at the stadium in the concession stands. That means we need endless volunteers to be available to work during games and events. There are multiple positions on the home and visitor sides of the stadium. We will train you in any area you feel comfortable taking on! If interested contact Heather Theobals or sign up HERE!
Help serve our starving kids
Every Friday before the game, we serve our band students dinner. We need 6-8 volunteers to help set up tables, mix Gatorade and serve the meal. Please contact Tracey Soetart or sign upHERE.
Prop Crew Responsibilities
We need 10-12 Prop Crew Volunteers each home game/competition to help our students assemble and disassemble props. When signing up to help the prop crew for games:
- Report to the track at the end of half-time or post-game depending on need.
- At the appropriate time, you will disassemble the props at the end of halftime or post-game depending on need.
- Please bring your own cordless drill and rubber mallet.
- Help bring the props back into the building.
When signing up for prop crew for competitions:
- Report to the competition site near the loading truck/trailer at the designated time (usually1 1/2 hours before performance time)
- Unload the props and assemble the props.
- Please bring your own cordless drill and rubber mallet.
- Help and monitor the students taking the props to the performance gate at the competition field
- Watch the performance from the sidelines and quickly help the students take the props off the field after the performance (moving off the field is a timed activity and bands can incur a penalty if they don’t move off the field quickly)
- Help carry the props back to the truck
- If there is a prelims and finals performance, we will need you for both performances
- At the conclusion of the contest disassemble the props using the cordless drill and mallets and load the props back onto the designated truck/trailer.
- Meet the trailer back at the school and help unload the truck/trailer and move props back into the building. Having your help back at school will help make the evening move much faster for the students!
Watching your student from the field gives you a unique experience and allows you to ‘go behind the scenes’ of what your student experiences on competition days and during games! Come join us!
Being a chaperone for the Tomball High School Cougar Pride Band is a fun and rewarding experience. Our mission is to support the band by monitoring the health, safety, and whereabouts of all band students while traveling to and from each event, while students are at every on and off-campus event. Events include football games, contests, parades, trips, and other possible special events. We support our THCPB mission in a number of ways: checking students onto/off of buses, supervising students on the buses, providing supervision while in the stands and as they move from location to location at events, and making sure all students are accounted for and supervised from the minute we leave the school until the minute we return.
Chaperone duties involve some long, tiring, hot/cold/rainy/sunny/windy days, and can be considered hard volunteer work. Unlike passively enjoying/watching a performance from the stands, chaperones get unique behind-the-scenes involvement with everything the band goes through before and after performances, including ON-FIELD access at some events.
Thank you for donating your valuable time to protect our students. We appreciate the dedication it takes to go through the marching season and to come to band student events throughout the year.
Requirements for Chaperone Volunteers:
- Acknowledge the Chaperone Rules.
- Each year, all chaperones must go through the TISD background check, and get cleared by the district.
Pit Crew Responsibilities:
The Pit refers to the Front Ensemble Percussion Students. We need 10 Pit Crew Volunteers for each game/competition to help our students push their instruments onto the field. When signing up to help pit crew for games:
- Report to the track about 4-5 minutes before half-time where you will be given a Pit Crew badge to grant your access
- At the appropriate time, you will push the front ensemble instruments from the track to the field (percussion students will help guide you)
- Stay on the sidelines to watch the performance
- Help the students push their instruments off the field back to the band hall or truck.
When signing up for pit crew for competitions:
- Report to the competition site near the loading truck at the designated time (usually 1 1/2 hours before performance time) and begin unloading the trailer.
- Obtain Pit crew badge for field access
- Stay with the front ensemble students and push the instruments to the warm-up areas/competition field
- Watch the performance from the sidelines and quickly help move the instruments off the field after the performance (moving off the field is a timed activity and bands can incur a penalty if they don’t move off the field quickly)
- Push the instruments back to the trailer and begin loading the trailer.
- Return your Pit Crew badge
- If there is a prelims and finals performance, we will need you for both performances
- Meet the trailer back at the school and help unload the truck/trailer and move props back into the building. Having your help back at school will help make the evening move much faster for the students!
Watching your student from the field gives you a unique experience and allows you to ‘go behind the scenes’ of what your student experiences on competition days and during games! Come join us!
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